Showing posts with label Mufti Menk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mufti Menk. Show all posts

‪You can be the most successful person around but without humility, you won’t go far.


‪You can be the most successful person around but without humility, you won’t go far. There are many out there who strut around behaving like they own the world. It's a shame that those with less to boast about, do it the most. Such is the state of society today.

When the Almighty puts you in a position to help someone, do it.

 When the Almighty puts you in a position to help someone, do it. Be grateful because He’s answering someone else’s prayer through you.

Almighty. Heal the broken heart. The ones who put up a brave front and cannot express their pain.

 Almighty. Heal the broken heart. The ones who put up a brave front and cannot express their pain. The ones who are tired of being oppressed and tormented. The ones who need a break. Put an end to their sadness and let peace reign in their hearts. Aameen.

He can and He will.


‪Keep hope alive. Believe that what lies ahead of you is much better than what you’ve left behind. Think good of the Almighty and you’ll see positive outcomes unravel before your eyes. He will show you things you’ve never imagined possible.

 He can and He will.

Don’t overthink


Don’t overthink. Don’t let little things bother you to such an extent that you find it hard to carry on. This is why many get irritated so easily. Get hold of yourself before it spirals out of control.

Be at ease with His Decree and trust Him.

 There will be times when nothing you do can change the circumstances. Accept it. It’s the Almighty’s way of telling you to rely on Him. Be at ease with His Decree and trust Him.

Don’t waste time.

Don’t waste time. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you should be doing today. Life is short. Do as many good deeds as possible before our time is up. Yesterday can never be tomorrow. Don’t listen to Satan. If he can’t make you sin, he will make you waste time.


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Cherish your scars.

 Cherish your scars. They serve as a constant reminder that you struggled and strove to be who you are today. Not everyone can handle life crisis. Among the most beautiful people are those who‬ have known defeat, ‬suffering, struggle, loss and emerged winners.

You will feel frustrated.


You will feel frustrated. You will feel like everything is crumbling right before your eyes. You will feel that you can’t handle things on your own. You’re not supposed to. The Almighty loves it when you ask Him. Ask with conviction. He will lift your load.

People will come and go in your life.

 People will come and go in your life. That’s how it is. Don’t worry about it. Don’t try to hang on to those who want to leave. The Almighty will put total strangers in your path to get you where you’re supposed to be. Trust Him.

Don’t let life get you down.


Don’t let life get you down. Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. Don’t be discouraged as there are many ungrateful people out there. You just have to figure out who’s worth your efforts & who’s merely using you. Focus your energy on those who matter.

Almost everyone you meet is facing challenges and hurting in some way.

 Almost everyone you meet is facing challenges and hurting in some way. They may seem fine outwardly but their inner struggles are real. So be kind, don’t judge and ask the Almighty to grant ease and help overcome the pain they’re experiencing. No one needs to go through this alone.

People will come and go in your life.


People will come and go in your life. That’s how it is. Don’t worry about it. Don’t try to hang on to those who want to leave. The Almighty will put total strangers in your path to get you where you’re supposed to be. Trust Him.

They may seem fine outwardly but their inner struggles are real.


Almost everyone you meet is facing challenges and hurting in some way. They may seem fine outwardly but their inner struggles are real. So be kind, don’t judge and ask the Almighty to grant ease and help overcome the pain they’re experiencing. No one needs to go through this alone.

Those who waste your time. Life’s too short for futile activities.


Plug in with the Almighty wholeheartedly. Do it consciously. Don’t let worldly affairs get in the way. Cut off all distractions. Stay away from those who try to lead you astray. Those who waste your time. Life’s too short for futile activities.

Almighty. There are many questions in our heads.


Almighty. There are many questions in our heads. We hand over everything that we can’t control to You, knowing that You’re the Best of Planners. Ease our worries so that it doesn’t rob us of our peace. Help us to focus on things that truly matter for the best outcome. Aameen.

Not everything that is said against you deserves a response

 Not everything that is said against you deserves a response. Especially if something is said without much thought or knowing the circumstances. Choosing to remain silent is best sometimes. Do not give value to those who have no value.

50 Inspirational Mufti Menk Quotes and Sayings


Mufti Menk Quotes. Ismail ibn Musa Menk, born in Harare, is a renowned Islamic preacher and Mufti of Zimbabwe. He memorized the verses of Sura Tauba when he was 3 years old. Then he completed the whole Quran (Hifz) at the age of 12. He started studying Shariah under his father supervision later he attained a degree in Shariah from the University of Madinah, and then he went for specialization in Iftaa at Darul Uloom Kantharia in Gujarat.

  • When giving advice, do so kindly. Do it sincerely with patience. Don’t do it to show that you are more intelligent or better than others.

  • There’s no need to be popular & win the approval of others. The Almighty did not create you for this purpose. Stay true to yourself.

  • No matter how angry, never use harsh words on others; for those could be the last words you’ll ever say to them. Choose to be kind always.

  • Be wary of people who stab you in the back repeatedly & then behave like they’re the ones who have been wronged. It’s best to avoid them.

  • You can search the world for happiness but you won’t find it until you start being content with what the Almighty has already given you.

  • We love ourselves after so many mistakes, so why do we hate others for one or two mistakes they’ve made.

  • When someone tries to offend you, remember you can’t control your response. Save yourself and don’t react.

  • When you learn to discipline your tongue, you’ll stop scrutinizing, judging and condemning others. You’ll then focus on your own weaknesses.

  • If it doesn’t involve you, don’t get involved.

  • Clothing yourself with the best character is more appealing than clothing yourself with expensive labels.

  • Find it in your heart to fully forgive the one who’s wronged you. It’s difficult but the rewards are great and given by the almighty himself.

  • If you want peace to prevail in your heart, remove anger, resentment, blame and worry.

  • When a matter has been resolved, we should not keep bringing up the past.

  • Why do we keep holding grudges? Is it really worth wasting that mental energy? Shouldn’t we just forgive and reap the rewards for letting go?

  • We want to make the world a better place but we are not prepared to improve ourselves.

  • If your heart is always content, then you are the same as or even better than he who has everything in this world.

  • Don’t be busybodies, meddling into affairs of others. Avoid prying into things which are of no concern to you. Focus on your own life.

  • When you keep looking for flaws in others, that’s all you’ll see. You won’t see their beauty. Start focusing on what’s good in people.

  • Arrogance creates a mental block preventing you from taking good advice. Humility allows you to open up, seek advice and imbibe knowledge.

  • A negative mind will interpret the most positive messages negatively but a positive mind extracts the best, even from a negative message.

  • Your brain and your heart are the two most powerful organs in your body. Do not give control of them to anybody.

  • Tonight before you get into bed, say a prayer for those without a bed, without a roof above their head, clothing or a morsel with which to be fed.

  • Do good deeds purely for the Almighty. Don’t expect recognition, congratulations or gratitude from anyone. Seek your rewards from Him alone.

  • Never utter mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass. But your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent.

  • It’s never about material stuff, wealth, fame. It’s always about the heart. The Almighty looks not at how you look but what’s in your heart.

  • No matter how detached you feel when you pray, don’t let go of the link. It’s your path back to the Almighty. Keep at it.

  • My heart is too valuable to allow hatred and jealousy to rent a spot.

  • When the sun’s up, there’ll many ‘friends’ around. Try counting how many remain when clouds gather and a storm breaks. Know a true friend.

  • Your faith is your tree of life. The deeper the roots, the stronger the faith. Water the tree with good deeds; or it’ll wither and die.

  • If a human being closes one door upon you, trust the Almighty to open another ten doors for you.

  • If the world was free of problems then, paradise would lose its value.
Mufti Menk
  •  Being so kind, polite & cheerful towards the women of the world holds no value when we cannot be such to our own wives, sisters & mothers.

  • You owe your parents a lot. You never prayed to have them, but they may have prayed to have you.

  • "It is better to lose something for the Almighty than to lose the Almighty for something."

  • Your strength doesn't come from winning. It comes from your struggles & hardship. That's why the more He loves you, the more He tests you!

  • Get up to pray in the dark when all are asleep and see how your path is lit and your life begins to shine.

  • "Always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them."

  • When insults and harsh criticisms are hurled at you, never hit back or respond with hate.

  • Don't waste time trying to change people's perceptions & opinions of you. Most have already made up their minds.

  • When you make du'a for someone in private, Allah sends an angel to you whom replies “Ameen and same to you”. If you help someone, Allah[SWT] helps you.

  • Keep your heart pure. Let others do what they will. Keep doing good. Don't dim your light to become as dark as they are. Shine above them!

  • Not all will love you. There will always be some who hate you for no reason or without even knowing you. Thus is life. Smile and move on.

  • let them marry who they want.

  • Be careful how you treat people. The tables always turn. The Almighty will see to it. Be careful who you ignore when you're at the top.

  • No matter what difficulties you're facing, know that the Almighty has your back. He's there even when things seem hopeless.

  •  Marry someone who is deeply interested in the deen, because that is who your children will follow.”

  • "A sincere call to the Almighty can change what you may have thought was ... You keep praying about it give god this and that no one will give you that.

  • Be someone recognized for having a beautiful heart. So when you leave, that memory of you lingers.

  • choose to be kind always

And never look down on any charity, no matter how small it may be.


Don’t waste your good deeds by showing off or reminding others what you’ve done. Do good sincerely for the sake of the Almighty ; without being stingy or afraid that it would decrease your wealth. And never look down on any charity, no matter how small it may be.